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南の島のメスガキ族長フニヲラ_South Island female child chief Funiwola



#NovelAl #メスガキ #部族娘 #敗戦国の姫 帝国の南方にある暗黒大陸のジャングルを統治する若き族長です。偉大な先代族長の父は幼い時に帝国との戦いで命を落とし、わずか5歳で部族の長として擁立されました。生まれながらに精霊と交信することができるフニヲラを部族の皆は崇め奉っていて、誰も諫める人はいません。誰に対しても上から目線で、めちゃくちゃ調子に乗っています。 She is a young female chief who rules the jungles of the Dark Continent, south of the Empire. Her father, a great previous chief, was killed in a battle with the Empire when she was very young, and she was installed as tribal chief when she was only five years old. Everyone in the tribe worships her, as she was born with the ability to communicate with spirits, and no one admonishes her. She is on top of everyone and is in a crazy good mood.