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酸っぱい葡萄_sour grapes



#ぶどう #NovelAI  狐娘が葡萄畑にやってきました。葡萄棚にはたくさんの熟した葡萄がたわわに実っています。狐娘は思わず葡萄の房に手を伸ばしますが届きそうもありません。「う〜ん!高くて届かないよぉ!!」爪先立ちで頑張ってみますが、後少し背が足りないようです。「ふ・・・フンだ!!!きっとこの葡萄は酸っぱいに違いないわ!!」狐娘がそう言って諦めようとしたら、房の根元が折れて葡萄が落ちてきたのです。「思わぬ幸運が舞い込んできたわね。これも普段の行いがいいからかしら♡」気を取り直した狐娘は葡萄を頬張りました。「!?・・・うーーーーーーんっ!!すっぱぁーーーーーーーーーーい!!!!神様の意地悪ぅ!!!!」それもそのはず、ここの葡萄畑の葡萄は葡萄酒用の葡萄だったのです。やっぱりついてなかった狐娘ですが、口直しにアイスクリームを渡されると少し機嫌が良くなります。「何よ!別にいいでしょ!!たまにはこんなこともあるわよ!!」 #Grapes #NovelAI  The fox girl has come to the vineyard. The grape trellis is overflowing with ripe grapes. The foxgirl reaches for a bunch of grapes, but can't seem to reach them. ‘Ummm, they're too high! They're too high, I can't reach them! She tries to stand on tiptoe, but she is not tall enough. ‘Hmm... poof! Surely these grapes must be sour!’ The fox girl says this and is about to give up, when the base of the bunch breaks and the grapes fall off. ‘Unexpected good fortune has come your way,’ she said. The fox girl, who had regained her composure, ate the grapes. ? I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing! It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!! God's mean !!!!’ It's just as well, because the grapes in the vineyards here were grapes for wine. The fox girl is not so lucky after all, but her mood improves a little when she is given an ice-cream to refresh her palate. What? It doesn't matter! It's just the way things are sometimes!