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うちの子プロフ(竜堂 冬彦)*My Child Profile (Fuyuhiko Ryudou)



オメガバースの世界に生きるヤクザ、竜堂組若頭、竜堂 冬彦(りゅうどう ふゆひこ) 若頭、だが、若くはない(´∀`)そして、インテリヤクザだが、喧嘩もめちゃくちゃ強い。 昔は後を継ぎたくなく、親への反抗から金髪にし、イライラしては敵対する組に乗り込み、潰していた(´∀`) その喧嘩の強さ、金髪、竜堂組の息子、三つを合わせ、『金龍』と呼ばれていた。 今は髪色を戻したが、昔からの喧嘩の強さ+頭もキレるようになり、さらに恐れられ『黒龍』と呼ばれている。 若い頃Ω性の美水(みみ)と出会い、こいつは将来いい女になると確信し、年頃の高校生になるまで待ち、美水の母親と再婚。 そして、他の男に手を出される前に告白し、結ばれた。 自分の中に確たる“いい漢論”があり、それに従って生きている。 と、いうわけで、美水の恋人がこの人です(´∀`) * Ryudou Fuyuhiko is a yakuza who lives in the world of Omegaverse, and is the young boss of the Ryudo gang. He's a young boss, but he's not young(´∀`) And he's an intellectual yakuza, but he's also really good at fighting. In the past, he didn't want to take over the family business, so he dyed his hair blonde in rebellion against his parents, and when he got irritated, he would go after rival gangs and crush them(´∀`) His fighting strength, blonde hair, and being the son of the Ryudo gang combined made him known as "Golden Dragon." He's changed his hair color now, but he's become even sharper than before, and is feared even more, so he's called "Black Dragon." When he was young, he met the Omega-gendered Mimi, and was convinced that she would become a good woman in the future, so he waited until she was of legal high school age and remarried Mimi's mother. And before she could get her hands on another man, he confessed his feelings to her and they got married. He has a firm "theory of a good man" inside him, and lives by it. So, Mimi's lover is this person (´∀`) #南国 #プロフィール #うちの子 #黒髪 #サングラス #ヤクザ #インテリヤクザ #イケメン #イケオジ #オメガバース世界3 #冬彦 #オリジナルキャラクター #オリジナルキャラ #義父 #短髪 #女性向け
