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熟した体を持て余した風な女上司_female boss with a ripe body



#オフィス #NovelAI #女上司  新卒1年目の俺の上司は入社10年目の女主任だ。顔はそこそこ以上だと思うが、それ以上に大きな胸に視線が釘付けになる。「いつかあの胸、思いっきり揉みてぇなぁ・・・」そんなことを考えながら仕事をしているせいか、俺が未熟なせいなのか主任にはよく叱られる。  「この間提出したレポート!自分でもきちんとチェックしてる?ざっと目を通しただけでいくつも間違いがあるわよ!!」また今日もか・・・。気のせいか主任は俺と話すときはいつも怒っているような気がする。「ちょっと!君、話聞いてる?」しまった・・・今日も胸が気になって上の空だった。  後で同期入社の友人から聞いた話では、主任は最近になって結婚を前提に付き合っていた彼氏と別れたらしい。同期入社の女性社員は皆、寿退社して残っているのは主任一人。行き遅れになる焦りがあるのだろう。しかも、俺はその別れた彼氏と顔つきが似ているらしい。それもあって余計に腹立たしく感じてるのだろうか?  ある日の午後、パソコンに向かって仕事をしている主任の脚を見て思わず俺は「・・・太っとw」と口にしてしまった。俺としたことが・・・彼氏と別れた原因が太ったことだと聞いていたのに・・・。「君、その発言は完全にセクハラよ!コンプライアンス教育するから終業後残ってなさい!!」あちゃー、完全に逆鱗に触れたなこりゃ・・・。覆水盆に返らずとはまさにこのこと。その日はこれ以上怒られないよう大人しくするしかなかった。 #Office #NovelAI #Female boss  I'm a first year graduate and my boss is a female chief who has been with the company for 10 years. I think her face is more than adequate, but her breasts are even bigger than that, and my eyes are glued to them. I'm not sure if it's because I'm thinking about it as I work or if it's because I'm inexperienced, but I get scolded a lot by my supervisor.  The report I submitted the other day! Do you even check it yourself? There are a number of mistakes just by skimming through it! Again today... Is it my imagination, or does it seem like the chief is always angry when he talks to me? 'Hey! Are you listening to me?" I was so worried about my chest that I couldn't think straight today either.  I later heard from a friend who joined the same company that the chief had recently broken up with her boyfriend, whom she had been dating on the premise of marriage. All the female employees who joined the company in the same year left the company on a career break and the chief executive is the only one left. She is probably in a hurry to be late to the party. Moreover, I have a similar face to her ex-boyfriend, apparently. Is that also making her feel even more annoyed?  One afternoon, looking at the chief's legs as he worked on his computer, I unintentionally uttered, "... fat and w...". I had heard that the reason why she broke up with her boyfriend was because she got fat... 'You, that statement is completely sexual harassment! I'll give you compliance training, so stay behind after work!" Oh no, I've been completely scandalised... This is exactly what I mean when I say that the water has not returned to the tray. On that day, I had no choice but to be quiet to avoid further anger.