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高貴なる青き血の末裔 プレレ姫_Princess Prele, a noble blue-blooded descendant



#NovelAI #お姫さま #敗戦国の姫 西方にあるプニノン王国は西方でも最も古くから続いている由緒正しい王国です。国の規模こそ小さいですが他の国から一目おかれています。家格が高いため並の貴族では交際相手にすらなれません。プレレ姫は世継ぎとなる兄との二人兄妹で大切に育てられています。由緒正しい家に生まれた者としての責務は自覚していますが、少し我儘なところがあります。ケーキに目がなく、ケーキを食べればすぐに機嫌が良くなります。 The Kingdom of Pninon in the west is one of the oldest and most venerable kingdoms in the west. The kingdom is small in size, but is recognised by other kingdoms. Because of their high family status, ordinary nobles are not even allowed to have a relationship with them. Princess Prele is raised by her brother, who is the heir to the throne, and her two siblings. She is aware of her duties as a member of a noble family, but she can be a little selfish. She is a sucker for cake, and her mood improves as soon as she eats it.