1945年8月9日に長崎で被爆した祖母の言葉をイラストに載せて。 当時、祖母は爆心地から離れた場所に居ましたが、家族を探しに行った際に被爆したそうです。 孫たちに当時の惨状を話す祖母は笑顔でした。しかし、当時の惨状を人に伝えるということは自分も思い出すということ。私なら辛すぎて耐えられないでしょう。 その祖母も昨年他界。私は祖母の勇気と強さに敬意を表し、伝え聞いた言葉をここに残します。 I tried putting my grandmother's words, who was exposed to the atomic bomb in Nagasaki, into an illustration. At the time, my grandmother was in a place far from the hypocenter, but she was exposed to the bomb when she went to search for her family. She passed away last year. My grandmother spoke about the horrifying conditions back then with a smile to her grandchildren. However, conveying those memories to others also meant reliving them herself. I think it would be too painful for me to bear. In honor of my grandmother's courage and strength, I leave her words that I heard from her, here. #原爆の日 #私たちの平和への祈り #Prayerforourpeace #戦争反対 #核兵器廃絶 #核兵器反対 #世界平和